Last Year I tried to see if pre-chitting my Tomato seeds would work better especially as some of my seed was getting old, My Dad had
successfully used this method for all his Tomato seeds chitting them on damp
kitchen roll indoors before potting them into small pots.
So I decided to give it a go. But I got a bit ambitious as I needed
to chit a good few of a lot of varieties I tried laying them out in
rows on the paper several varieties on one sheet Bad Idea !! one
slight knock and they were all mixed up Not good so whilst they did
chit well it was a bit of a disaster and I ended up with a load of mixed Tomato plants and it was abandoned after one
batch. After that they were sown straight into plugs initially then later i sowed into
Jiffy plugs But this proved quite wasteful as I ended up with a
number of blank cells/Blank Jiffy plugs.
I think I do need to pre-chit so I have been looking at
alternative ways and I think I have hit the answer I have discovered
you can get Petri dishes really cheaply online and I think these
would be a good option as you can get them divided into 2 or 3
sections Not fully decided if I am going to grow them on kitchen
roll, blotting paper or even agar yet But as they have lids they can
be stacked in propagators to chit then once each one has a good root
transferred with a seed spoon to a Jiffy 33mm Plug to grow on for
dispatch that way I should reduce wastage.
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